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 V_ALIAS()         Return alias of DBV work area
 V_BUFFERS()       Declare or retrieve the number of DBV buffers
 V_CLOSE()         Close a DBV type file
 V_CLOSEALL()      Close all open DBV type files
 V_COMMIT()        Commit the DOS buffers to disk
 V_DECRYPT()       Decrypt a variable encrypted with V_ENCRYPT()
 V_DELETE()        Delete one field from a DBV file
 V_ENCRYPT()       Encrypt a Clipper string variable
 V_ERROR()         Report error codes from the DBV system
 V_EXCLUSIV()      Establish exclusive or shared use of DBV file
 V_FILE2VLF()      Copy a DOS file into a VLF
 V_FILENAME()      Return the file name of a VLF file
 V_FILES()         Set maximum no. of DBV files
 V_FILLARR()       Fill Clipper S87 array with DBV field
 V_GETWNDRC()      Return rows or columns from a Proclip window
 V_HANDLE()        Return the DOS file handle for a DBV file.
 V_ISOPEN()         Determine if a file is open in an area.
 V_LEN()           Return the length of data stored in a DBV
 V_POKE()          Write character data into a character type VLF
 V_PTR()           Return absolute offset of data in a DBV file
 V_RANDOM()        Return a psuedo random number.
 V_REPLACE()       Replace data stored in a DBV file
 V_RETRIEVE()      Return data stored in a DBV file
 V_SELECT()        Determine or select the DBV work area
 V_SET_COMMIT()    Set DOS buffer flushing automatically on/off
 V_SETKEY()        Set a key or password for FlexFile encryption
 V_STUFF()         Delete and insert new data into an existing VLF
 V_TIMEOUT()       Set the internal lock timeout value
 V_TOPPTR()        Read/Replace FlexFile pointer in a DBV header.
 V_TYPE()          Return the type of data stored in a VLF
 V_USE()           Open/Create a Variable Length Field file (DBV)
 V_VLF2FILE()      Create DOS file and fill with the a VLF field
 V_WALK_DBV()      Step from field to field in a DBV without a DBF.
 V_WNDCREAT()      Create a Proclip window from a saved VLF

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson